Monday, January 27, 2025

Visit to the Fairbanks Museum Part 2: Old and new exhibits

 By Richard B. Primack


“Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new. Henry David Thoreau in Walden.


The Fairbanks Museum, founded in 1890, is a fascinating mixture of the old and the new.

Photo 1: Old style displays of owls, showing them perching on a tree in an artificial pose.

Photo 2: More modern displays show birds acting in a natural setting, such as these upland sandpipers.


The museum has a very unusual collection of old-fashioned pictures built using insect parts.

Photo 3: A portrait of George Washington made in 1909 from 7665 insects. 

Photo 4: The head of Washington is created using butterfly wings.


Photo 5: The lettering is done with shiny beetles. 


Along with these older exhibits are more modern ones, such as a display of insect nests. 

Photo 6: A cast of a Florida harvester ant nest.

The museum has recently completed a new extension to provide a more interactive space for visiting school groups. 


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