Friday, December 6, 2024

Visit to Wroclaw, Poland

 By Richard B. Primack


“The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much.” Henry David Thoreau



During the last week of November, I visit Wroclaw, Poland for a conference titled “Building Bridges.” During the conference, I was inducted into the Academia Europaea, the European academic society that put on the conference.


Figure 1: “Building Bridges.”


 My fellow ecology colleagues and I went to the meeting together.


Figure 2: My colleagues Alessandro Chiarucci, Andras Baldi, and Carlo Rondinini.


I presented a talk on publishing in international journals to grad students at the University of Wroclaw.

Figure 3: Sylwia Wierzcholska and students at the University of Wroclaw.


Wroclaw is famous for having hundreds of statues of dwarves around the city, demonstrating the independent spirit of the people and their willingness to stand up to the government. 

Figure 4: This dwarf is on the edge of the Love Bridge, telling couples not to put locks on the bridge.


Mistletoes are surprisingly abundant on trees around the city.

Figure 5: A tree we saw with lots of mistletoes.



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