Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Historically excluded groups in ecology are undervalued and poorly treated

Richard B. Primack 

Historically excluded groups in ecology, including scientists of color, women, LGBTQIA+, and those who identify as disabled, are undervalued and poorly treated, according to a recent study of over 350 ecologists led by @BU_CAS's Richard B. Primack and @phtempler 

The study, published in the journal @ESAFrontiers, found that ecologists who experienced negative workplace experiences were 50% more likely to consider leaving their current institution and twice as likely to consider a career change. 

According to the researchers, "these findings point towards the need for universities to shift from focusing primarily on diversity at the recruitment and hiring stage alone to greater emphasis on retention of personnel once they are hired." 

Read the full study and the researchers' advice on how institutions can create better workplace environments to foster diversity and deal with hostile behavior.