Saturday, September 7, 2024

Dwarf Trees

 By Richard Primack

“The value of any experience is measured, of course, not by the amount of money, but the amount of development that we get out of it.” Henry David Thoreau in his Journal.


The U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, DC has an outstanding collection of dwarf trees, shaped by decades of careful pruning and tending. In addition to a Japanese bonsai collection, there are also wonderful examples of Chinese penjing trees and bonsai trees produced by American experts.  

Three Chinese trees were especially notable:  

Photo 1: Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)


Photo 2: Dwarf umbrella tree (Schefflera arboricola)


Photo 3: Chinese elm (Ulmus parviflora)


 Three American bonsai were particularly striking:

Photo 4: Blue Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica)

Photo 5: Pitch pine (Pinus rigida)


Photo 6: Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis)


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