Tuesday, August 13, 2024

China Friends Reunite

 By Richard B. Primack


“Treat your friends for what you know them to be – regard no surfaces. Consider not what they did, but what they intended.” Henry David Thoreau in his Journal.


The City of Newton is planting the Amur Maackia, Maackia amurensis, as a street tree due to its compact size and attractive sprays of yellow flowers produced in summer. This tree is originally from China. 


Photo 1: A tree growing on the street in Newton.


Photo 2: Sprays of yellow Amur Maackia flowers. 


The sculpted resin bee, also known as the giant resin bee, is a new arrival from China as well, introduced into the U.S. as a pollinator. The resin bee is now the main flower visitor to the Maackia trees.


Two friends from China have found each other far from home!


Photo 3: Sculpted resin bee on Maackia flowers in Newton.



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