Monday, June 24, 2024

Iceland Adventure Part 4: To the Snaefellsnes Peninsula

 By Richard B. Primack


“We hug the earth – how rarely we mount! Methinks we might elevate ourselves a little more.” Henry David Thoreau in Excursions.


For our final weekend in Iceland, we traveled to the Snaefellesnes Peninsula, which is a 2-hour drive north of Reykjavik. It is sometimes described as “Iceland in Miniature,” due to the concentration of dramatic landscape features including:

Video 1: A volcano and lava fields leading to spectacular sea cliffs. 


Photo 1: Lava rocks are covered with a golden moss.

Video 2:  Numerous seabirds are found on the cliffs, beaches, and dunes.


Photo 2: Waves crashing against the sea cliffs.

Photo 3: Dramatic rock formations are found along the coast, such as this rock arch. 

Photo 4: Black sand beaches run for miles in places.



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