Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Frost Damage to Young Beech Leaves

 By Richard B. Primack


“In society you will not find health, but in nature.” Henry David Thoreau in Excursions.


Young leaves on beech trees growing along the Vale Stream in the Webster Woods of Newton are showing unusual signs of frost damage in early May.

Photo 1: A branch with damaged beech leaves.

The trees had leafed out earlier than usual in mid-April due to a mild winter and early spring conditions. Then freezing weather in late April, perhaps enhanced by cold air drainage into this low-lying valley, damaged the vulnerable unfolding leaves. 

Photo 2: A close up of a beech leaf damaged by frost. 


It remains to be seen if the damaged leaves will persist on the trees or if the trees will put out a flush of new leaves. 

This another indicator of the ecological effects of climate change. 


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