Friday, January 3, 2025

Plant Poster Day 2024: Batch 2

  By Richard B. Primack


“I should keep some book of natural history always by me as a sort of elixir – the reading of which would restore the tone of my system and secure me true and cheerful views of life.” Henry David Thoreau in his Journal.


In the closing days of my BI 305 Plant Biology course in December 2024, we had a poster session during which each student presented some aspect of botany that they wanted to learn more about and share with the class. 


Here is the second group of seven posters: 

Poster 9: Kasy (with TF Matt) and Aloe vera

Poster 10: Kenny and plant communication

Poster 11: Krsna and Hydrangea

Poster 12: Matteo and Florida mangroves

Poster 13: Max and Lichens and climate change

Poster 14: Meghan and oriental bittersweet

Poster 15: Mia and Tabernanthe hallucinogen